Nikon Nikkor Z 40mm f2Nikon’s own 40mm made specially for Nikon Z cameras. it is slightly larger (46 mm long, 170g) but you don’t need any adapter to use it on Nikon Z cameras so the overall length will be shorter and lighter. It has autofocus, better overall sharpness and much better sharpness wide open plus better contrast and much better flare resistance but about 5-6 times more expensive (277$ new, 220-240$ used) Buy from:,
Voigtländer Ultron 40mm F2 SL IIWith a length of 25-30cm (depending on mount) it is very close in size and more modern lens (Nikon F (FX), Canon EF, Pentax KAF), manual focus only, about 10 times more expensive (300$-400$ used) Buy it from: ,,,
Voigtländer Ultron 40mm F2 SL II -SA newer version of the above with Nikon Ai-S mount, manual focus only and more expensive than Nikon’s without being any better (419$ new) Buy from:,
Voigtländer Nokton 40mm 1:1,2 AsphericalThe fastest 40mm around, available in Nikon Z, Sony E/EF, VM mount. 315g, 54mm long (Nikon version)(Sony E version is 59.3mm). Manual focus only but one and a third steps faster, much better stopped down sharpness, much nicer bokeh but about 18 times more expensive (799$ new Nikon Z version) Buy from:,
Sigma 40mm F1.4 DG HSM ArtAutofocus 40mm, 2/3 stop faster. With its 1200g weight and 131mm length it is like a bazooka on your camera. Nikon F (FX), Canon EF, Sigma SA Bayonet, Sony FE mount. (799$ new) Buy from:,
Laowa Argus 45mm f/0.95Not a 40mm but not far from, even faster than the Voigländer Nokton by one stop, 2 steps faster than the Konica 40/1.8, which means 4 times more light to the sensor, nicest bokeh of all but with lemon shape bokeh balls instead of round ones produced by Konica, manual focus only, no electrical contacts whatsoever, available in Nikon Z, Sony E, Canon RF, 835g 110mm long (599$ new) Buy from:,
For other camera mounts there are several other alternatives like:
Canon EF 40/2.8 STM, Autofocus. a true pancake lens, 22m long, One and a third stops slower, much less bokeh potential, about $100 Buy from:,,,
Sony FE 40mm F2.5 GBuy from:,
Zeiss Batis 40/2 for Sony FEBuy from:,
Voigtländer 40mm F1.4 Nokton Classic for Leica MBuy from:,
Voigtlander VM 40mm F2.8 Heliar for Sony EManual focus. One and a third stops slower, much less bokeh potential, 21mm long, the thinnest 40mm Buy from:,
Konica Hexanon AR 40mm F1.8 on Nikon Z6
Konica Hexanon AR 40mm f1.8 is a pancake standard lens, it was shipped as kit lens with Konica SLR cameras during a couple of years in mid and late ’70s. While it is not an actual wide angle lens it is still wider than a normal 50mm lens, which, in my opinion, can be helpful for street photography as it allows to include more of the environment from the same camera to subject distance. It also does so without introducing the perspective distortion of a 35mm wide angle lens with equivalent speed/aperture.
Sometimes it’s hard to explain it but in many situations the 40mm focal length feels just right (i.e. to my taste). When it was introduced some photography magazines considered it the sharpest lens ever produced (for its time that is), there is no hard proofs on that though. You can find it very cheap at about 20-30$. Let’s see if it still is justified to buy this lens today.
Nikon Nikkor Z 40mm f2Nikon’s own 40mm made specially for Nikon Z cameras. it is slightly larger (46 mm long, 170g) but you don’t need any adapter to use it on Nikon Z cameras so the overall length will be shorter and lighter. It has autofocus, better overall sharpness and much better sharpness wide open plus better contrast and much better flare resistance but about 5-6 times more expensive (277$ new, 220-240$ used)
Buy from:, (affiliate links)
Voigtländer Ultron 40mm F2 SL IIWith a length of 25-30cm (depending on mount) it is very close in size and more modern lens (Nikon F (FX), Canon EF, Pentax KAF), manual focus only, about 10 times more expensive (300$-400$ used)
Buy it from: ,,, (affiliate links)
Voigtländer Ultron 40mm F2 SL II -SA newer version of the above with Nikon Ai-S mount, manual focus only and more expensive than Nikon’s without being any better (419$ new)
Buy from:, (affiliate links)
Voigtländer Nokton 40mm 1:1,2 AsphericalThe fastest 40mm around, available in Nikon Z, Sony E/EF, VM mount. 315g, 54mm long (Nikon version)(Sony E version is 59.3mm). Manual focus only but one and a third steps faster, much better stopped down sharpness, much nicer bokeh but about 18 times more expensive (799$ new Nikon Z version)
Buy from:, (affiliate links)
Sigma 40mm F1.4 DG HSM ArtAutofocus 40mm, 2/3 stop faster. With its 1200g weight and 131mm length it is like a bazooka on your camera. Nikon F (FX), Canon EF, Sigma SA Bayonet, Sony FE mount. (799$ new)
Buy from:, (affiliate links)
Laowa Argus 45mm f/0.95Not a 40mm but not far from, even faster than the Voigländer Nokton by one stop, 2 steps faster than the Konica 40/1.8, which means 4 times more light to the sensor, nicest bokeh of all but with lemon shape bokeh balls instead of round ones produced by Konica, manual focus only, no electrical contacts whatsoever, available in Nikon Z, Sony E, Canon RF, 835g 110mm long (599$ new)
Buy from:, (affiliate links)
For other camera mounts there are several other alternatives like:
Canon EF 40/2.8 STM,
Autofocus. a true pancake lens, 22mm long, One and a third stops slower, much less bokeh potential, about $100
Buy from:,,, (affiliate links)
Sony FE 40mm F2.5 GBuy from:, (affiliate links)
Zeiss Batis 40/2 for Sony FEBuy from:, (affiliate links)
Voigtländer 40mm F1.4 Nokton Classic for Leica MBuy from:, (affiliate links)
Voigtlander VM 40mm F2.8 Heliar for Sony EManual focus. One and a third stops slower, much less bokeh potential, 21mm long, the thinnest 40mm
Buy from:, (affiliate links)
What I like | Not good / Not bad | What I don’t like |
Size Center sharpness from 2.8 Overall sharpness from F5.6 Bokeh most of the time Chromatic Aberrations control Price | Build quality Bokeh in certain situations Color rendition | Wide open sharpness Contrast Flare resistance Coma Spherical Aberrations wide open |
The positive sides of this lens are its small size, very good sharpness in the center area from f/2.8 and superb across the frame sharpness stopped down to f/5.6 for closer distances. For longer distances the sharpness is excellent at f/8 to f/11. Bokeh if nice in about 80%-90% (if not more based on the personal taste) of the times when wide open, good control of chromatic aberrations and its low price (around $20-30). The negative sides are general sharpness wide open, contrast, micro contrast, somewhat busy bokeh in about 10%-20% of cases, flare, coma, spherical aberrations. So, should you buy it?
If you want to test a fast focal length of 40mm (which is quite fun and practical for street or everyday photography) before investing in a newer much more expensive lens to see if this is a focal length for you or if you are on a tight budget, go for it! For the price it’s a no-brainer. The Konica Hexanon 40mm f/1.8 is certainly usable on a modern mirrorless cameras, just avoid using it wide open and it can produce razor sharp images in right conditions that will make you happy. Taking it everywhere with you is not an issue as it almost doesn’t take any space or weigh anything. You should have its shortcomings in mind and photograph consciously though, otherwise if you really like the focal length and you think you use it often, try to save some money and get a more modern 40mm lens e.g. a used Nikon Z 40/2 if you have a Nikon Z camera or a Voigtländer Ultron 40/2 if you have other cameras for about 200-300$ and if it will be used for more than 20% of your photography and Autofocus is not necessary aim for Voigtländer Nokton 40/1.2.
If you are interested in buying a Konica Hexanon AR 40/1.8 or any of the lenses in the Alternatives section you can support our efforts by using the links below or given under each lens. It won’t cost you a penny and it won’t affect the price but helps us little.
Buy Konica Hexanon AR 40mm from: / / /
Работа автофокуса и ручная фокусировка
Автофокус здесь не самый быстрый, возможно, из-за того, что двигается оптическая группа целиком, но при этом вполне тихий и плавный. Электронный шаговый мотор автофокуса работает без нареканий, гораздо лучше, чем механический привод в более дешевых моделях, таких как 50mm f/1.8 II. Следует помнить об одном нюансе – положение блока линз нельзя поменять, вращая кольцо фокусировки, если объектив снят с камере. Следите за тем, чтобы группа линз не выступала за габариты объектива, когда вы убираете его в сумку, ведь так легко можно повредить нежный механизм.
Одно из неоспоримых достоинств привода автофокуса STM – возможность тихо и плавно перефокусироваться при съемке видео, – особенно полезно на последних моделях зеркалок Canon, оснащенных тачскрином. Но, к сожалению, в теории здесь всё обстоит лучше, чем на практике – 40мм объектив при видеосъемке перефокусируется тихо, но не настолько уверенно, как новейший китовый объектив EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM. Из-за медленного мотора автофокуса 40мм объектив не всегда корректно работает в связке с зеркалками Canon, оснащёнными гибридной системой автофокусировки – фокус слегка рыскает, прежде чем навестись точно на цель.
Многие фотографы будут удивлены таким выбором фокусного расстояния – 40мм это довольно нераспространенный показатель на полнокадровых камерах, как и 64мм эквивалентного фокусного на APS-C сенсорах. Не рискнем назвать EF 40mm f/2.8 STM идеальным универсальным объективом на кропе, и уж тем более не будем рекомендовать его как единственный объектив; зато как дополнение к китовому объективу он великолепен. 40мм на кропе можно использовать для плечевых портретов, а высокая, по сравнению с китовым объективом EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM, светосила дает возможность при желании размывать задний план и снимать в условиях плохой освещённости.
На полном же кадре, наоборот, линза представляет собой замечательный универсальный объектив, при этом очень близкий, по убеждениям многих, по углу зрения к человеческому вгляду. В паре с камерами серии EOS 6D и 5D объектив образует замечательный тандем: сравнительно малая для фикса светосила компенсируется малошумящей матрицей полнокадровой камеры. Хотя, если вы любите снимать с минимальной глубиной резкости и всё свободное время посвящаете изучению рисунка боке, этот объектив не будет первым в вашем списке на покупку.
Встает вопрос – а конкурент ли 40мм объектив старшим моделям, таким как EF 50mm f/1.8 II , EF 35mm f/2 или более дорогому EF 50mm f/1.4 USM? Тестовые съемки в студии показали, что разница в картинке весьма умозрительна, и объективы ведут себя примерно одинаково на одних и тех же диафрагмах. И, следовательно, выбор здесь в основном зависит от цены, особенностей и размеров каждого из представленных объективов. Если на первом месте стоит компактность и не столь важна светосила – то выбор очевиден, это Canon EF 40mm f/2.8
Если же вам по душе акцентировать внимание зрителя на деталях за счет малой глубины резкости, то один из упомянутых выше полтинников отлично вам подойдет (однако фотографам с тонким художественным вкусом следует помнить, что младший 50мм объектив оснащен 5-лепестковой диафрагмой и в некоторых случаях дает в зоне нерезкости не самые красивые пятиугольники)
More Sample Images
Nikon Z6 | Konica Hexanon AR 40mm F1.8 | F8
Nikon Z6 | Konica Hexanon AR 40mm F1.8 | F8
Nikon Z6 | Konica Hexanon AR 40mm F1.8 | F8
Nikon Z6 | Konica Hexanon AR 40mm F1.8 | F8
Nikon Z6 | Konica Hexanon AR 40mm F1.8 | F8
Nikon Z6 | Konica Hexanon AR 40mm F1.8 | F1.8
Nikon Z6 | Konica Hexanon AR 40mm F1.8 | F1.8
Nikon Z6 | Konica Hexanon AR 40mm F1.8 | F2.8
Nikon Z6 | Konica Hexanon AR 40mm F1.8 | F1.8
Nikon Z6 | Konica Hexanon AR 40mm F1.8 | F8
Nikon Z6 | Konica Hexanon AR 40mm F1.8 | F2.8
Nikon Z6 | Konica Hexanon AR 40mm F1.8 | F1.8
Nikon Z6 | Konica Hexanon AR 40mm F1.8 | F2.8
Nikon Z6 | Konica Hexanon AR 40mm F1.8 | F5.6
Nikon Z6 | Konica Hexanon AR 40mm F1.8 | F5.6
Nikon Z6 | Konica Hexanon AR 40mm F1.8 | F1.8 (Sharpness added in post)
Photos taken with Konica Hexanon AR 40 mm f/1.8
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Reviews » Lenses » Lenses Varie » Konica Hexanon AR 40 mm f/1.8
Konica Hexanon AR 40mm F1.8 on Nikon Z6
Konica Hexanon AR 40mm f1.8 is a pancake standard lens, it was shipped as kit lens with Konica SLR cameras during a couple of years in mid and late ’70s. While it is not an actual wide angle lens it is still wider than a normal 50mm lens, which, in my opinion, can be helpful for street photography as it allows to include more of the environment from the same camera to subject distance. It also does so without introducing the perspective distortion of a 35mm wide angle lens with equivalent speed/aperture. Sometimes it’s hard to explain it but in many situations the 40mm focal length feels just right (i.e. to my taste). When it was introduced some photography magazines considered it the sharpest lens ever produced (for its time that is), there is no hard proofs on that though. You can find it very cheap at about 20-30$. Let’s see if it still is justified to buy this lens today.