Вспышка metz mecablitz 52 af-1 digital for olympus/panasonic

Metz mecablitz 52 af-1 digital review - wim arys

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25 декабря 2019

совет экспертов

Александр Виноградов– профессиональный фотограф портретист, победитель SWPA 2017 в открытом конкурсе с работой «Матильда». Также принимал участие и был победителем в таких конкурсах, как SIPA, IPA, Px3, 35photo и Best of Russia Winner. В своём интервью он рассказывает о специфике фотоконкурса Sony World Photography Award, даёт рекомендации и наставления будущим участникам.

14 августа 2018


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Примерами такого осветителя являются модели LitePipe P и SaberStrip, которые используется при съёмке портретов. Благодаря их форме они имеют ряд преимуществ перед стандартными софтбоксами и зонтами: такие осветители легко установить в ограниченном пространстве, они более мобильны и более устойчивы в ветреную погоду. Фотограф Джо Эдельман предлагает DIY-вариант подобного осветителя, который легко собирается и обойдётся значительно дешевле серийных моделей.

9 августа 2018


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Wireless capabilities

The unbeatable advantage of Metz Mecablitz 52 AF-1 over its predecessor is the Master wireless mode. 52 AF-1 not only can be remotely controlled by other flashes, but it can be a master flash itself. Unlike Nikon Speedlight SB-700, for example, which is also a mid-range flash unit, Mecablitz 52 AF-1 is practically a full-featured master flash. Looking at the Canon version, we can see that it supports all wireless groups, channels, ratios, as well as all TTL and manual modes. (Nikon SB-700 can only work with groups A and B.)

Inability of Metz Mecablitz 50 AF-1 to operate as a wireless master can be a major drawback for photographers looking into using multiple flash setups.

Metz Mecablitz 52 AF-1 Digital Flash for the Sony Multi-Interface Shoe


The Metz Mecablitz 52 AF-1 Digital for the Sony multi-interface shoe  is a mid-range flashgun from German manufacturer Metz. It has a maximum guide number of 52 at ISO 100 and supports Sony’s TTL (Through The Lens metering), ADI (Advanced Distance Integration) for automatic power zoom with compatible lenses, 1st or 2nd curtain synchronisation, and HSS (High Speed Sync).

It has a USB port which allows for future firmware updates, a flash head that tilts and rotates and a touchscreen display for easy access to controls.

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Build and Features

The Mecablitz 52 AF-1 Digital has a sleek design made from durable plastics. It is not unlike Metz’s flagship 64 AF-1 and is similar in both form and functionality. It runs on 4 AA batteries, good for around 200 flashes, and I have not experienced any overheating issues during use.

Metz is the first company to incorporate a touch screen interface. Don’t expect too much from this however, as it is limited to a simple tap and has a sluggish response, but still makes for a more intuitive interface once you get used to it.

Metz have incorporated a USB port in all their flashes,  allowing for firmware update with possibly new features or extended compatibility in the future.

Flash Modes

the Mecablitz range has been around for years, and they certainly do know how to make a useable flash. All functionality like TTL, Auto and Full Manual are available. It also has a focus beam to help the camera with auto-focus and a modelling light.

It exceeds in it’s wireless capabilities:

  • Wireless mode: The Mecablitz 52 AF-1 Digital has a Master wireless mode. It can be remotely controlled by other flashes, and can be a master flash itself. It supports control of multiple wireless groups and TTL metering with multiple flashes.
  • Servo mode (optical slave): Servo mode allows this flash to be triggered remotely by a burst of light coming from a flash not designed for the same system.
  • Spot zoom mode: Extended zoom mode is a Metz designed function and enables you to set the flash zoom wider than the lens zoom, where light can be bounced off of the walls to slightly fill in the shadows.

Other Creative Modes:

  • Rear-Curtain Sync: New Sony cameras include the ability to fire the flash just before the closing of the shutter, so that moving objects will show a streak where they came from and a sharp image where they were at the end of the exposure, useful for moving objects to convey a sense of speed.
  • HSS: High-speed sync makes it possible to use flash with up to the highest shutter speed provided by the camera. This allows you to increase the aperture as needed to create a narrow depth of field that keeps your subject in perfect focus while the background dissolves into smooth, beautiful blur.


The Metz Mecablitz 52 AF-1 Digital should definitely be on you list of possible flashes for the Sony Multi Interface Shoe cameras. It works well and gives a good exposure with the Sony A7r, A77 II and A6000.

The touch screen interface is something you’ll either love or hate, I don’t like it personally as I find it difficult to quickly change settings using their limited controls. This is something you might get used to after a few months though, but I find the responsiveness of the touchscreen slow.

All Multi-Interface Shoe flashes offer more-or-less the same functionality nowadays, so much will depend on how powerful you need your flash to be, and what kind of control system you prefer. The Nissin i40 offers a more hands-on approach with no screen and just two buttons, while the Sony HVL-F43M does feature an LCD screen but using buttons to access the menu system.

I would suggest giving the Metz Mecablitz 52 AF-1 digital a trial run first before actually buying it. It you can get along with the touchscreen controls, you’ll love this flash, if not, you might want to look into other brands.

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Spot zoom mode

Extended zoom mode was introduced by Metz years ago with Mecablitz 58 AF-1 flash (See our extended zoom test for more details.). The idea behind the extended zoom mode is to set the flash zoom wider than the lens zoom, which allows for some light to be bounced off of the walls to slightly fill in the shadows.

With Mecablitz 52 AF-1, Metz has introduced the «opposite» mode, in which the flash zoom is automatically set one step narrower than the lens. In the spot zoom mode, the flash creates a sort of a spotlight (or vignette) effect, so that the light gradually falls off near the edges of the image. While we never really cared much for the extended zoom mode, we believe that the new spot zoom mode can actually be useful.

Interface and controls

Clearly, the highlight of the Metz Mecablitz 52 AF-1 flash design is its touchscreen display. Mecablitz 52 AF-1 is the world’s first flash that takes advantage of a touch interface. You, however, shouldn’t expect this flash to have the usability of multi-touch displays you may have become used to. There are no scroll or pinch gestures, touch-and-holds, or double-taps. The touch functionality is limited to a simple tap, but it still allowed Metz engineers to build a more intuitive user interface.

The menus on Metz Mecablitz 52 AF-1 are easy to read and self-explanatory. Nevertheless, we found some quirks in the menu system that left us wishing for a firmware update already. For example, when in the wireless master mode, the ratios cannot be activated directly from the wireless menu. Instead, you have to go to a completely separate screen and enter the PARA section, select RATIO, and choose the ratio mode. It’s not too big of an issue, but we can see how some users may need to refer to the manual to find this function. Generally, however, parameters are easy to find, and to change the value of a given parameter, you simply tap on it on the screen to bring up the list of possible options.

Another new interface feature of Metz 52 AF-1 is the rotating menus. When activated, this function senses the flash orientation and rotates the menus to keep them vertical even when the flash is turned sideways, which is quite useful when you shoot in portrait camera orientation. (This feature was first introduced by Nissin with its Di866 Professional flash.)

Finally, one of the best aspects of the new touch interface is that it can be easily improved or even completely changed with a simple firmware update since it’s not dependent on physical buttons.

Now, getting back to the previous model, we found that segment-based display and physical buttons of the older Metz Mecablitz 50 AF-1 do a very good job, as well. Flash parameters are well laid out, but we believe that some of the text on the screen may be too small for an average user. Other than that, we like how Mecablitz 50 AF-1 is operated.

The biggest advantage of the 50 AF-1 interface is the tactile feedback from the buttons. Your fingers «tell» you whether you clicked the button or not. With the touch interface of the 52 AF-1 model, you always need to visually confirm any change. This is the same reason some people prefer to have a QWERTY keyboard on their cellphones rather than a touchscreen.

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Вспышка Metz mecablitz 50 AF-1 digital for Olympus/Panasonic

Нет в продаже

Совместимые камеры — Olympus, Panasonic, Тип вспышки — обычная, Ведущее число — 50, Наличие дисплея, Количество ламп в одной вспышке — 1, Крепление — башмак, Мин. время перезарядки — 0.1, Max время перезарядки — 3.5, В x Ш x Г (мм) — 137 x 71 x 99, Вес — 0.34

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Совместимые камеры — Olympus, Тип вспышки — обычная, Ведущее число — 44, Наличие дисплея, Количество ламп в одной вспышке — 1, Длительность вспышки (FP-режим), сек — 1, Длительность вспышки, сек — 1, Крепление — башмак, Мин. время перезарядки — 0.2, Max время перезарядки — 5, В x Ш x Г (мм) — 125 x 75 x 108, Вес — 0.4

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Нет в продаже

Совместимые камеры — Olympus, Panasonic, Тип вспышки — обычная, Ведущее число — 50, Наличие дисплея, Количество ламп в одной вспышке — 1, Крепление — башмак, Мин. время перезарядки — 0.5, Max время перезарядки — 9, В x Ш x Г (мм) — 120 x 65 x 100, Вес — 0.25

Servo mode (optical slave)

Servo mode allows these Metz flashes to be triggered remotely by a burst of light coming from a flash not designed for the same system. For example, you can trigger a Sony version of the 52 AF-1 flash with a Canon flashgun. You can also add Metz flashes into your studio strobe setup and have them triggered as «dumb» optical slaves.

The advantage of the new Mecablitz 52 AF-1 unit is the
Learn function
. If for any reason, the 52 AF-1 flash cannot be triggered correctly by a flash, you can «teach» your Metz unit by tapping the Learn button and firing the other flash. We can imagine that you can come across some point-and-shoot cameras, for example, that will not be able to trigger Metz Mecablitz 52 AF-1 properly by default. In such a case, the learning capability will come in handy.


To us, the biggest advantages of Metz 52 AF-1 compared to Metz 50 AF-1 are the wireless master capabilities and the increased maximum light output. The new touch interface, while not perfect, starts a new era of hot shoe flashes, and it is exciting to see a touchscreen on a speedlight. The improved servo mode and flash head along with new spot zoom mode make Metz Mecablitz 52 AF-1 even more attractive. That being said, Metz Mecablitz 50 AF-1 offers an impressive package, as well. So, if you want to save some money and you don’t need a wireless master flash, it is still a great choice for a mid-range flashgun.

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