Payday by Lorenzo Crovetto56 comments, 3420 views

The Lonely Poppy by Coradocon99 comments, 2104 views HI RES 12.0 MP

The charm of vintage by Carlo Marchese59 comments, 3690 views HI RES 10.7 MP

Francesca in Agfa Photo APX 400, 1 by Francescoc51 comments, 1134 views HI RES 3.8 MP

Just a Rose by Coradocon61 comments, 2846 views HI RES 16.4 MP

The beggar by Novizio53 comments, 6050 views HI RES 16.8 MP

Francesca in Agfa Photo APX 400, 6 by Francescoc55 comments, 884 views HI RES 3.8 MP

Valentina by Simone19766 comments, 3856 views
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Multicolor by Coradocon87 comments, 1129 views HI RES 24.0 MP

The Dawn Treader by Coradocon88 comments, 1774 views HI RES 15.8 MP

Remember by Coradocon69 comments, 1791 views HI RES 19.3 MP

Sasha by IvanRudenko16 comments, 2829 views HI RES 6.1 MP

A Man on Foot by Coradocon87 comments, 1133 views HI RES 20.0 MP

Francesca in Agfa Photo APX 400, 4 by Francescoc40 comments, 782 views HI RES 3.8 MP

Untitled Photo by IvanRudenko9 comments, 514 views HI RES 6.4 MP

Francesca in Agfa Photo APX 400, 3 by Francescoc34 comments, 864 views HI RES 3.8 MP

Jessica pictured in free lensing by Francescoc37 comments, 1777 views HI RES 3.8 MP

Francesca in Agfa Photo APX 400, 2 by Francescoc31 comments, 798 views HI RES 3.8 MP

Sophie by Carlo Marchese24 comments, 545 views HI RES 24.0 MP

Solitude by Coradocon68 comments, 1068 views HI RES 20.3 MP

«What sensitivity to the sun: blush every day» by Coradocon67 comments, 959 views HI RES 20.3 MP

The runner by Coradocon58 comments, 690 views HI RES 15.8 MP

O my sun by Coradocon72 comments, 836 views HI RES 20.0 MP

Wheat and Poppies by Coradocon59 comments, 2148 views HI RES 21.0 MP

The Cloud by Coradocon62 comments, 801 views HI RES 21.7 MP

The sun’s rays by Coradocon82 comments, 1278 views HI RES 20.0 MP

Fog rises by Coradocon87 comments, 1141 views HI RES 21.4 MP

Fog in the Valley of Padana by Coradocon60 comments, 1155 views HI RES 20.3 MP

Untitled Photo by TommasoGiorni6 comments, 3829 views HI RES 19.8 MP

Philadelphus by Errevi28 comments, 3195 views HI RES 8.2 MP

Sping desire by Eros Penatti19 comments, 2867 views
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In the shadow of the last sun by Coradocon50 comments, 1213 views HI RES 21.3 MP

Francesca in Agfa Photo APX 400, 5 by Francescoc43 comments, 857 views HI RES 3.8 MP

Plumbing at sunset by Coradocon39 comments, 660 views HI RES 23.1 MP

To the fire by Coradocon36 comments, 609 views HI RES 23.2 MP

The sun cuckoo by Coradocon43 comments, 526 views HI RES 21.7 MP

Untitled Photo by IvanRudenko4 comments, 316 views HI RES 8.2 MP