Обзор объектива sony fe 24-70mm f/2.8 gm (sel2470gm)

Carl zeiss vario tessar t* fe 24-70mm f4 za oss review | photography blog

Max Aperture

The f/4 in the lens name refers to the lens’ max aperture opening, the relationship of lens opening to focal length.
The lower the number, the more light the lens will allow to reach the sensor.
Each «stop» in aperture change (examples: f/2.8, f/4.0, f/5.6, f/8, etc.) increases or reduces the amount of light reaching the sensor by a factor of 2x (a big deal).

An f/4 lens is one stop slower/narrower than what is typically found in the fastest/widest zoom lenses covering the general-purpose focal length range.
The narrower max aperture means that smaller diameter elements are needed, resulting in a lighter weight, smaller size, and lower cost.
Having a narrower max aperture also means that there may be better options for stopping action in low light.
I emphasize «action» as this lens’s image stabilization system (OSS, Optical SteadyShot) makes it even better-suited for handheld low light non-action photography than a non-stabilized f/2.8 option.
The subject speed and how rapidly that subject is crossing pixels in the frame makes low light capabilities situational.

Long focal lengths, wide apertures, close subjects, and distant backgrounds are the keys to a strong background blur.
While the f/4 aperture is not extremely wide, the 70mm f/4 combination, along with a relatively close subject and distant background, can produce great subject separation by blurring away the background.
That is an example of the maximum background blur this lens can produce.

24mm |

It is very satisfying to see the background melt into a blur of color.
That is referring to the 70mm end of course.

Especially nice is that this lens has a fixed max aperture over the entire focal length range.
Manually-set wide-open exposures can be retained and counted on throughout the entire zoom range.
That said, I always wonder if I’m giving up some potential wide focal length max aperture to get the fixed max aperture feature.

Image Stabilization

Sony marketing touts its cameras as having IBIS (In-Body Image Stabilization), but many of their lenses also feature OSS (Optical SteadyShot).
While perhaps not immediately clear, these two stabilization systems are complementary: «5-axis image stabilization becomes available when used with α series bodies that feature built-in image stabilization.»

While narrow apertures may not be optimal under low light conditions, this lens’ optical image stabilization system can save the day in such conditions,
significantly increasing the versatility of this lens, improving usability and, in many situations, considerably improving the image quality delivered.

While OSS is great for reducing camera shake-caused blur in images, it is also very helpful for precise framing of subjects in the viewfinder.
While OSS is active, drifting of framing is minor with the viewfinder view remaining well-controlled and subject reframing being easily accomplished.

This OSS system is nearly silent except for some clunking heard during significant movement.
Handheld video recording is nicely assisted by OSS and the stabilized composition also provides a still subject to the camera’s AF system, permitting it to do its job better.

Конструкция Sony FE 24-70mm f/2.8 GM

Байонет Sony E
группы / элементы в объективе 13/18
угол обзора (35 мм) 84°-34°
минимальная дистанция фокусировки (м) 0,38
минимальное значение диафрагмы (f) 22
максимальное значение диафрагмы (f) 2,8
лепестки диафрагмы 9
диаметр фильтра (мм) 82
Вес (грамм) 886

Объектив большой и тяжелый. Спойлер – это всё ради высочайшего качества.

Он весит 886 грамм, его размеры 136 мм в длину и 87,6 мм в ширину. Резьба для светофильтра 82мм. Корпус Sony FE 24-70mm f/2.8 GM пыле- и влагозащитный.

Оптическая схема состоит из 18 элементов в 13 группах. Среди них один элемент из низкодисперсионного (ED) стекла и один из стекла со сверхнизкой дисперсией (Super ED). Это снижает хроматические аберрации до нуля и повышает разрешающую способность объектива.

На камере объектив смотрится монстром и весьма утяжеляет Sony A7R3. Для тех кто волнуется о том, что клиенты не воспринимают людей с беззеркальной камерой можно сказать, что с таким объективом вопросов не возникнет.

На корпусе есть переключатель фиксирующий кольцо зуммирования в положении 24мм. Это сделано для безопасной транспортировки.

Сбоку под левой рукой расположена дополнительная кнопка, на которую через меню камеры можно настроить любую необходимую функцию, например включение фокусировки по глазам. Ближе к корпусу находится переключатель режимов фокусировки AF/MF.

Кольцо зума ходит очень плавно. А вот ход кольца фокусировки очень короткий и лёгкий, заметно, что о ручной фокусировке никто не задумывался. В принципе это логично.

Объектив поставляется с компактной блендой.

Focal Length Range

When determining what a lens is useful for, the focal length range it provides is one of the top considerations.
Focal length especially matters because it drives focus distance choices which also determines perspective.
Covering the angles of view ranging from wide-angle through normal and on to short telephoto, the Sony FE 24-70mm f/4 ZA OSS Lens’s focal length range comfortably covers what I consider the ideal range for a standard do-everything lens.

A 24-70mm lens is an essential part of many landscape and cityscape photography kits.
At the 24mm end, this lens provides a very wide-angle of view, able to show a strong perspective and create a sense of presence in an image while not being so wide that composition becomes too challenging.
By the 70mm end, smaller portions of a scene can be isolated and distant mountains will appear larger in proportion to closer elements.

This is a great people photography focal length range.
At 24mm, environmental portraits can be captured and by 70mm, people can be framed tightly enough for head and shoulder portraits while retaining a pleasing perspective.
This focal length range will work well for photographing a wide variety of events, from informal birthday parties to formal galas at large venues.

Sports photographers able to get close to their subjects or wanting to capture a wider/environmental view of their events appreciate this focal length range.
These angles of view can work well for architecture photography.
Product photography is on this lens’ capabilities list.
This is an ideal focal length range for videography needs.

The above is just a beginning to the list of uses for the 24-70mm range.
That this focal length range nicely complements a 70-200mm lens for sports and many other uses is another advantageous feature.

Here is an example showing the angle of views taken in by this focal length range when mounted on a full-frame camera.

24mm |
35mm |
50mm |

When mounted on an APS-C imaging sensor format Sony camera, the 24-70mm angle of view becomes similar to that of a 36-105mm lens on a full-frame camera (1.5x).
These angles of view shift this lens’s strengths somewhat, especially favoring portraiture over landscape uses.

Практика использования

1/2000, f/2.8, ISO 1001/500, f/5.6, ISO 100

Полагаем нет смысла говорить о том, что диапазон фокусного расстояния объектива 24-70 мм является универсальным и подходит для большинства задач фотографа.

За счет веса приходится придерживать объектив левой рукой, но это не большая плата за такое качество изображения. Так же при таком хвате удобно пользоваться дополнительной кнопкой на объективе которой можно назначить в меню камеры любую функцию, например фокусировки по глазу.

Автофокус у Sony FE 24-70mm f/2.8 GM рекордно быстрый. Если вы снимаете гонки, спорт или бегающих детей – лучше ничего не найдете. При этом автофокус работает крайне тихо, что актуально при съёмке видео.

При тестировании иногда создавалось впечатление, что мотор автофокуса может работать еще быстрее и камера не успевает за ним.

Для большинства рядовых задач фотографа его хватит с лихвой. Он в прямом смысле слишком быстрый для них. Это не плохо, но если вы не нуждаетесь в такой скорости, то есть смысл посмотреть на более бюджетные объективы. Например FE 24-105 f/4 G OSS.

Ease of Use

The Carl Zeiss Vario Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS lens mounted on a Sony A7

Weighing in at 426g, the alloy-bodied Carl Zeiss Vario Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS is quite a substantial, very well built FE E-Mount lens. Measuring just under 9.5cms in length, it is actually taller than a full-frame body like the Sony A7 body that we tested it with, as shown in the photos below., especially when it’s zoomed out to 70mm, where it measures nearly 12.5cms in length.

The Carl Zeiss Vario Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS lens mounted on a Sony A7

The Carl Zeiss Vario Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS lens mounted on a Sony A7, extended to 70mm

The Carl Zeiss Vario Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS lens mounted on a Sony A7

The Carl Zeiss Vario Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS lens mounted on a Sony A7, extended to 70mm

Build quality is excellent, but you’d expect that given the high price of the lens. The Carl Zeiss Vario Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS has a sealed dust and moisture resistant design and is a natural partner for the A7 and A7R cameras, feeling well-balanced and not front-heavy.

The Carl Zeiss Vario Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS incorporates a built-in optical image stabilizer which provides compensation of 3 f-stops, which partly compensates for the moderate f/4 maximum aperture.

The Carl Zeiss Vario Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS lens alongside the Sony A7

Front of the Carl Zeiss Vario Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS lens

Front of the Carl Zeiss Vario Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS lens, extended to 70mm

The zoom ring is smooth and well-damped, with a quarter-turn required to go from one end of the range to the other. As mentioned above, the lens barrel extends by 3cms when zooming to the full 70mm telephoto setting.

Manual focusing is possible via the slightly narrow, textured focus ring when set on the specific camera body. The lens utilizes a linear motor to produce quiet and smooth focusing, making it well-suited to shooting video.

Front of the Carl Zeiss Vario Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS lens

Rear of the Carl Zeiss Vario Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS lens

The Carl Zeiss Vario Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS lens has a metal lens mount. It accepts 67mm filters via plastic threads.

Front of the Carl Zeiss Vario Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS lens

Rear of the Carl Zeiss Vario Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS lens

The Carl Zeiss Vario Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS lens in-hand

The lens ships with a soft case and a petal-shaped plastic lens hood (ALC-SH130), neither of which was provided to us for review.

Focal Range

At the 24mm focal length the angle of view is 34 degrees.

Field of view at 24mm

At the 70mm focal length the angle of view is 84 degrees.

Field of view at 70mm


The Carl Zeiss Vario Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS lens has quite a wide focus ring. There are no hard stops at either end of the range, making it a little more difficult to set focus at infinity. Polariser users should be pleased that the 67mm filter thread doesn’t rotate on focus.

When it comes to auto-focusing, the Carl Zeiss Vario Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS zoom is a quiet and fairly quick performer on the Sony A7 that we tested it with, taking about 0.15 seconds to lock onto the subject.

We didn’t experience much «hunting», either in good or bad light, with the lens accurately focusing almost all of the time, and it’s also a quiet performer thanks to the linear motor driven internal focusing, making it ideal for movie shooting.

Chromatic Aberrations

Chromatic aberrations, typically seen as purple or blue fringes along contrasty edges, are only notable by their almost complete absence from our test shots.

Light Fall-off

With the lens set to its maximum aperture, there is some light fall-off in the extreme corners, but it won’t affect your real-world shots too much.

Light fall-off at 24mm

Light fall-off at 70mm


The Carl Zeiss Vario Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS isn’t claimed to be a macro lens, offering a minimum focusing distance of 40cm and a maximum magnification of 0.2x. The following example demonstrates how close you can get to your subject, in this case a Compact Flash memory card.

Close-up performance


Bokeh is a word used for the out-of-focus areas of a photograph, and is usually described in qualitative terms, such as smooth / creamy / harsh etc. In the Carl Zeiss Vario Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS lens, Sony employed an iris diaphragm with seven rounded blades, which has resulted in quite appealing bokeh in our view. We do realise, however, that bokeh evaluation is subjective, so we’ve included several 100% crops for your perusal.


In order to show you how sharp this lens is, we are providing 100% crops on the following pages.

  1. Ease of Use
  2. Sharpness: 24mm
  3. 35mm

  4. 50mm

  5. 70mm

  6. Sample Images
  7. Lens Specs
  8. Rating & Conclusion
  9. Main Rivals
  10. Review Roundup

Reasons to Buy Sony FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS Carl Zeiss Vario Tessar T Lens

Here we’ve included a summary of the advantages and disadvantages of the Sony FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS Carl Zeiss Vario Tessar T lens in a list form to help you determine whether it offers the features you need.


Optical Image Stabilization
Hood supplied
Internal Focusing
Fast Aperture at Tele end
Constant f4 aperture throughout the range
Covers Full-Frame Sensor

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We couldn’t find any significant Cons for the Sony FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS Carl Zeiss Vario Tessar T

Lens Mount

Sony FE 24-70mm F4 OSS is compatible with cameras that have a Sony E lens mount. Some of the latest released cameras that are compatible with the Sony E lenses are Sony A6700, Sony ZV-E1 and Sony A7R V.

Sony A6700 with the Sony FE 24-70mm F4 OSS Lens

Sony ZV-E1 with the Sony FE 24-70mm F4 OSS Lens

Sony A7R V with the Sony FE 24-70mm F4 OSS Lens

Size, Weight and Filter Thread

Size and weight is a very important decision factor when searching for your next lens. Sony FE 24-70mm F4 OSS has a maximum diameter of 73mm and total length of 95mm. It weighs 426g / 15.0 oz.

Below you can find a scaled side-by-side image of Sony FE 24-70mm F4 OSS and Sony FE 20-70mm F4 G (Sony E mount) to get a better idea of how their sizes compare in real life. Check the detailed comparison of these two lenses here.

Comparison image of the Sony FE 24-70mm F4 OSS and the Sony FE 20-70mm F4 G Size and Weight

Sony FE 24-70mm F4 OSS has a filter thread of 67mm. Below are links to the filters that we recommend you to consider for your Sony FE 24-70mm F4 OSS:

Optical Image Stabilization

The Sony FE 24-70mm F4 OSS features an optical image stabilization system which helps to reduce the blur that occurs due to shaking during hand-held shooting.

Zoom Method

Sony FE 24-70mm F4 OSS features Rotary (internal) zoom method where the length of the lens doesn’t change while you are zooming in or out. Even though this design has a size disadvantage in general compared to extending designs, it has the benefits of better sealing against dust and moisture, no zoom creep and no weight balance shift while zooming.

Maximum Magnification Ratio

Sony FE 24-70mm F4 OSS has a Max Magnification Ratio of 0.2x and has a minimum focusing distance of 0.4m.

Below are the 3 Standard Zoom type Sony E mount lens alternatives with highest max magnification ratios:

  • Sony FE 20-70mm F4 G: 0.39x — (Compare)
  • Tamron 28-75mm F2.8 Di III VXD G2: 0.37x — (Compare)
  • Sigma 18-50mm F2.8 DC DN C: 0.36x — (Compare)


Sony FE 24-70mm F4 OSS is a fixed aperture lens with a constant max aperture of f4 from 24mm all the way to the 70mm .

Focal Length Max Aperture Min Aperture
24mm F4 F22
70mm F4 F22

Optical Formula

Sony FE 24-70mm F4 OSS’s optical formula consists of 12 elements in 10 groups . Following special elements are used in this design:

  • 5 aspherical
  • 1 ED

Lens Hood

Sony FE 24-70mm F4 OSS comes with a removable lens hood which is handy to reduce lens flare and glare in your photos. The model number of the hood is ALC-SH130.

Popular Comparisons of Sony FE 24-70mm F4 OSS

Top Alternatives of Sony FE 24-70mm F4 OSS Lens

Model Coverage Weight Focusing Street Price
Sony FE 24-70mm F2.8 GM
35mm FF 886 g / 1.95 lb AF
Sigma 24-70 F2.8 DG DN Art
35mm FF 835 g / 1.84 lb AF
Sony FE 28-70mm F3.5-5.6 OSS
35mm FF 295 g / 0.65 lb AF
Sony FE 24-105mm F4 G OSS
35mm FF 663 g / 1.46 lb AF
Tamron 28-75mm F2.8 Di III RXD
35mm FF 550 g / 1.21 lb AF
Sigma 28-70mm F2.8 DG DN C
35mm FF 470 g / 1.03 lb AF
Sony FE 28-60mm F4-5.6
35mm FF 167 g / 0.37 lb AF
Sony FE 20-70mm F4 G
35mm FF 488 g / 1.07 lb AF


The Sony FE 24-70mm f/4 ZA OSS Lens uses an internal focusing design driven by a linear autofocus motor.
This lens focuses very quietly with good speed.
With a medium-sized max aperture opening, this lens has mid-level low light AF performance.

This lens does not feature the AF hold button common on Sony lenses.
FTM (Full Time Manual) focusing is supported via Sony’s DMF (Direct Manual Focus) AF mode.

Normal is for the scene to change size in the frame (sometimes significantly) as focus is pulled from one extent to the other, referred to as focus breathing, a change in focal length resulting from a change in focus distance.
Focus breathing negatively impacts photographers intending to use focus stacking techniques, videographers pulling focus, and anyone very-critically framing a scene while adjusting focus.
This lens shows a modest change in subject size as full extent focus adjustments are made as illustrated below.

Far |
Far |

The reviewed lens appears to be parfocal with a subject remaining in focus after zooming in or out.

The FE 24-70 features a forward-positioned (as I prefer) ribbed manual focus ring.
It is not rubber-coated but that detail seems of low importance on this design.
The ring is not huge, but it is properly sized for the amount of space available on the lens barrel and it rotates smoothly with rather low resistance.

This is a multi-speed focus ring.
Turn it quickly for a full extent change in about 30° or turn it slowly for several full rotations of adjustment (I lose my focus when trying to turn the ring around that many times).
I generally prefer a linear response adjustment and this one switches into high-speed mode slightly early for my preference.

Focusing down to 15.7″ (400mm) at 70mm yields a maximum magnification spec of 0.20x, a useful mid-level number.

Model MFD MM
Sony FE 24-70mm f/2.8 GM Lens 15.0″ (380mm) 0.24x
Sony FE 24-70mm f/4 ZA OSS Lens 15.7″ (400mm) 0.20x
Sony FE 24-105mm f/4 G OSS Lens 15.0″ (380mm) 0.31x
Sony FE 24-240mm f/3.5-6.3 OSS Lens 19.7″ (500mm) 0.27x
Sony FE 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Lens 11.8″ (300mm) 0.19x
Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 Di III RXD Lens 7.5″ (190mm) 0.34x

At 70mm, a subject measuring approximately 5.9 x 3.9″ (150 x 100mm) will fill the frame at the minimum focus distance.
The largest flowers in the image below are approximately 1″ in diameter.

Need a shorter minimum focus distance and greater magnification?
An extension tube mounted behind this lens should provide a very significant decrease and increase respectively.
Extension tubes are hollow lens barrels that shift a lens farther from the camera, which permits shorter focusing distances at the expense of long-distance focusing.
Electronic connections in extension tubes permit the lens and camera to communicate and otherwise function as normal.
Sony does not publish extension tube specs nor do they manufacture these items, but third-party Sony extension tubes are available.

This lens is not compatible with Sony teleconverters.

Price and Value

The Sony FE 24-70mm f/4 ZA OSS Lens has a moderate price that falls below most other zoom lenses in the Sony FE lens lineup.
This lens is worth the price.

As an «FE» lens, the Sony FE 24-70mm f/4 ZA OSS Lens is compatible with all Sony E-mount cameras, including both full-frame and APS-C sensor format models.
«The Vario-Tessar T FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS was developed jointly by Zeiss and Sony Corporation and designed for Sony E-mount cameras. This lens is produced under the strict standards and quality assurance system of Zeiss.»
Sony provides a 1-year limited warranty.

The reviewed Sony FE 24-70mm f/4 ZA OSS Lens was online-retail acquired.


The Carl Zeiss Vario Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS is a premium standard zoom lens for the Sony A7/A7R/A7S full-frame E-mount compact system cameras. It offers a fairly versatile focal range and constant F4 aperture, features 12 elements in 10 groups including 5 aspherical and 1 ED element, and is dust- and moisture-resistant. The Carl Zeiss Vario Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS has a minimum focusing distance of 40cm and a maximum magnification of 0.2x. It has a 7 blade diaphragm which creates an attractive blur to the out of focus areas of the image. A special Carl Zeiss T* coating is applied to the lens elements to help reduce lens flare and surface reflections. The Carl Zeiss Vario Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS lens is available for £1059 / $1199 in the UK and the US, respectively.

SEL2470Z | α-объективы | Sony PK

Vario-Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS

Vario-Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS


Отличный корпус ZE 90 Компактный зум-объектив может показать лучшие качества полнокадровых камер с байонетом E в самых разных условиях повседневной съемки. Постоянная максимальная диафрагма F4 обеспечивает стабильные настройки экспозиции во всем диапазоне фокусных расстояний от 24 мм до 70 мм, а оптика ZEISS с известным покрытием T* обеспечивает непревзойденную четкость и прекрасную визуализацию. Он также устойчив к пыли/влаге.

Vario-Tessar T* FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS Совместимость

Полнокадровые камеры с байонетом E

Камеры APS-C с байонетом E

Доступно новое программное обеспечение.

Включите объектив, чтобы еще больше упростить съемку.


Примеры фотографий

1/50 с, F4

1/250 с, F11

1/125 с, F5,6

1/30 с, F8

0,8 с, F60,3 90 для универсального зумирования для повседневной съемки

Оптические характеристики и диапазон фокусных расстояний от 24 мм до 70 мм этого ZEISS Vario-Tessar идеально подходят для корпусов серии α7, обеспечивая максимальное качество изображения и универсальность съемки.

Усовершенствованная оптика для получения потрясающих изображений

Асферические и низкодисперсионные оптические элементы обеспечивают превосходную производительность по всей площади кадра с низким уровнем искажений и минимальными цветовыми аберрациями. Покрытие T* сводит к минимуму блики и ореолы.

Постоянная экспозиция при любом значении зума

Максимальная диафрагма F4 на всех фокусных расстояниях, поэтому пользователь может масштабировать и снимать с любой диафрагмой, не отслеживая изменения настроек экспозиции или глубины резкости.

Всегда резкий и четкий

Оптическая стабилизация изображения SteadyShot компенсирует дрожание камеры, которое может привести к смазыванию изображений при съемке с рук, для резких, четких ночных сцен и снимков в помещении при слабом освещении.

  • Compact ZEISS zoom
  • Outstanding optics
  • Constant F4 aperture
  • Optical SteadyShot

Lens Configuration

Legendary ZEISS quality manufactured and calibrated specifically for Sony imaging products. Покрытие T* обеспечивает превосходную визуализацию и контрастность. Асферическое стекло Стекло ED (со сверхнизкой дисперсией)

Таблица MTF

MTF (функция передачи модуляции) описывает, насколько хорошо линза может воспроизводить мелкие детали, измеряя степень контрастности, достигаемую между точно расположенными линиями. Контрастность (%) Расстояние от оптического центра объектива (мм) При 24 мм / макс. диафрагма При диафрагме 24 мм / F8 При 70 мм / макс. диафрагма При диафрагме 70 мм / F8 Пространственная частота 10 пар линий/мм 20 пар линий/мм 40 пар линий/мм Радиальные значения Тангенциальные значения

Specifications & Features

Minimum Focus Distance
0.4m (1.32ft)
Maximum Magnification ratio (x)
Filter Diameter (mm)
426 г (15,1 унции)


The Sony FE 24-70mm f/4 ZA OSS is a very attractive lens on several fronts.
The size and weight are very convenient.
The AF performance is good.
The lens looks great and has a comfortable luxury feel.
The image quality is decent

Those looking for a reasonably-priced Sony general-purpose lens have a good option in the FE 24-70mm f/4 ZA OSS Lens.

Bringing you this site is my full-time job (typically 60-80 hours per week). Thus, I depend solely on the commissions received from you using the links on this site to make any purchase. I am grateful for your support! — Bryan

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Sony FE 24-70mm F4 ZA OSS Lens

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by Bryan Carnathan$200.00 Savings!

Manufacturer ID:SEL2470ZReview Date: 2020-04-05

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1/500, f/5.6, ISO 100

При выборе объектива на одной чаше весов производительность, на другой стоимость. Здесь с каждой стороны очень весомые аргументы.

Это лучший стандартный зум, который мы когда либо видели! Потрясающее разрешение и быстрый автофокус делают его идеальным для фотографов высочайшего уровня.

Sony 24-70 f/2.8 GM настолько хороший, что это стало одной из его слабых сторон. Стоимость объектива 164990 рублей, что выше многих профессиональных камер, а габариты делают систему достаточно тяжелой и не компактной.

Иногда создается впечатление, что данный объектив и вообще серия GM спроектированы с запасом по разрешению и смогут работать на будущих матрицах.

Стоит отметить очень важный момент. Для получения максимальной детализации изображения вам придется использовать самые качественные светофильтры, иначе ваш объектив не раскроет свой потенциал.

Скачать RAW с объектива можно здесь.

Стоит ли покупать

Этот объектив однозначно стоит брать при работе с камерами с разрешением матрицы больше 24 Мп для получения максимальной отдачи от камеры.

Стоит ли брать этот объектив при работе с разрешение 24 Мп или тем кто снимает репортажи не связанные с безумными скоростями? При такой цене это сомнительно.


  • Очень быстрый автофокус
  • Высокая детализация
  • Прекрасная резкость
  • Влаго- и пылезащищенный корпус
  • Дополнительная функциональная кнопка
  • Физический переключатель AF/MF
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