Отзывы nikon 1 aw1 kit

Nikon 1 aw1 is world's first rugged, waterproof digital mirrorless

Ease of Use

This is where the Nikon 1 AW1 lack of controls fails the camera. Not only are there a few buttons to set option, Nikon has also buried all the camera’s manual controls under two and even three sets of menus. One prime example of this is to set the camera into manual I have to first get into the camera’s main menu, enter shooting modes, scroll to creative modes, and finally select my preferred mode. Setting up any of the manual controls is an equally frustrating slog menus whether it be switching between AF modes or setting the ISO.

For this reason, we recommend that everyone sets it to auto and just forget about all the rest.

Nikon 1 AW1 features

Crammed inside the body of the AW1 is a 1-inch, 14.2-million-pixel CMOS sensor, with ISO sensitivity spanning ISO 160 to 6400. Like other recent Nikon 1 system cameras, the AW1 can shoot with continuous AF at a rate of 15fps, or without AF at 60fps, all at full resolution. However, it is what Nikon describes as the camera’s ‘adventure’ features that are the most interesting.

As you would expect, the AW1 has GPS location tracking – but it also has something called GLONASS, a similar system that’s used in Russia. There is an altimeter, which can be used to see exactly how high, or deep, you are and there’s a digital compass too, which will be useful for the really adventurous – particularly if out shooting in the snow. An electronic level, in the form of a virtual horizon has a more photographic use in helping to keep landscapes straight.

Besides these features, the AW1 operates as a normal Nikon 1 system camera with modes such as full HD video and Smart Photo Selector, which takes 20 high-resolution images and recommends the best five. Sadly there is no built-in Wi-Fi connectivity, though the Nikon WU-1 Wi-Fi module does allow Wi-Fi connection between the AW1 and a smart device. However, this accessory cannot be used underwater as it requires one of the doors on the side of the camera to be open.

Reasons to Buy Nikon 1 Nikkor AW 11-27.5mm f3.5-5.6 Lens

Here we’ve included a summary of the advantages and disadvantages of the Nikon 1 Nikkor AW 11-27.5mm f3.5-5.6 lens in a list form to help you determine whether it offers the features you need.


Internal Focusing
Light weight at only 182g / 6.4 oz

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Buy Nikon 1 AW 11-27.5mm f3.5-5.6 from or B&H PHOTO


Hood is not supplied
Slow Aperture at Tele end
Variable Aperture

Lens Mount

Nikon 1 AW 11-27.5mm f3.5-5.6 is compatible with cameras that have a Nikon 1 lens mount. Some of the latest released cameras that are compatible with the Nikon 1 lenses are Nikon 1 J5, Nikon 1 S2 and Nikon 1 J4.

Size, Weight and Filter Thread

Size and weight is a very important decision factor when searching for your next lens. Nikon 1 AW 11-27.5mm f3.5-5.6 has a maximum diameter of 63mm and total length of 57mm. It weighs 182g / 6.4 oz.

Nikon 1 AW 11-27.5mm f3.5-5.6 has a filter thread of 41mm. Below are links to the filters that we recommend you to consider for your Nikon 1 AW 11-27.5mm f3.5-5.6:

Optical Image Stabilization

Nikon 1 AW 11-27.5mm f3.5-5.6 doesn’t have an optical image stabilization system so the only option to stabilize the image taken with this lens is to mount on a camera body with IBIS (sensor based In-body image stabilization).

Alternatively, you can check the Nikon 1 VR 10-30mm f3.5-5.6 in Nikon 1 mount that have similar focal range but features Optical Image Stabilization.

Lenses Similar to Nikon 1 AW 11-27.5mm f3.5-5.6 With Optical Image Stabilization

Model Coverage Weight Focusing Street Price
Nikon 1 Nikkor VR 10-30mm f3.5-5.6
1″ 115gr AF
Nikon 1 Nikkor VR 10-30mm f3.5-5.6 PD-Zoom
1 85gr AF

Zoom Method

Nikon 1 AW 11-27.5mm f3.5-5.6 features Rotary (internal) zoom method where the length of the lens doesn’t change while you are zooming in or out. Even though this design has a size disadvantage in general compared to extending designs, it has the benefits of better sealing against dust and moisture, no zoom creep and no weight balance shift while zooming.

Maximum Magnification Ratio

Nikon 1 AW 11-27.5mm f3.5-5.6 has a Max Magnification Ratio of 0.1x and has a minimum focusing distance of 0.3m. 0.1x means that the max magnification ratio is very low and not suitable even for modest close-up shots.

Below are the 2 Standard Zoom type Nikon 1 mount lens alternatives with highest max magnification ratios:

  • Nikon 1 VR 10-30mm f3.5-5.6: 0.27x — (Compare)
  • Nikon 1 11-27.5mm f3.5-5.6: 0.1x — (Compare)


Nikon 1 AW 11-27.5mm f3.5-5.6 is a variable aperture lens with a max aperture of f3.5 and a minimum aperture of f16 at 11mm, and a max aperture of f5.6 and minimum aperture of f16 at 28mm .

Focal Length Max Aperture Min Aperture
11mm F3.5 F16
28mm F5.6 F16

Optical Formula

Nikon 1 AW 11-27.5mm f3.5-5.6’s optical formula consists of 8 elements in 6 groups . Following special elements are used in this design:

  • 1 aspherical element
  • 1 ED glass element

Popular Comparisons of Nikon 1 AW 11-27.5mm f3.5-5.6

Top Alternatives of Nikon 1 AW 11-27.5mm f3.5-5.6 Lens

Model Coverage Weight Focusing Street Price
Nikon 1 Nikkor 11-27.5mm f3.5-5.6
1″ 83 g / 0.18 lb AF
Nikon 1 Nikkor VR 10-30mm f3.5-5.6
1″ 115 g / 0.25 lb AF
Nikon 1 Nikkor VR 10-30mm f3.5-5.6 PD-Zoom
1 85 g / 0.19 lb AF
Nikon 1 Nikkor VR 30-110mm f3.8-5.6
1″ 180 g / 0.40 lb AF
Nikon 1 Nikkor VR 10-100mm f4.5-5.6
1″ 298 g / 0.66 lb AF
Nikon 1 Nikkor VR 10-100mm f4.5-5.6 PD-Zoom
1 515 g / 1.13 lb AF
Nikon 1 Nikkor VR 6.7-13mm f3.5-5.6
1″ 125 g / 0.28 lb AF
Nikon 1 Nikkor 32mm f1.2
1″ 235 g / 0.52 lb AF

Image Quality

Despite having one of the smallest sensor out of the mirrorless pack, the Nikon 1 AW1 can push out some pretty pictures. The camera resolves some wonderfully bright and full colors. I can say similarly good thing about the AW1 capacity to produce true-to life skin tones. Attach an insane piece of glass like the Sigma 18-35mm f1.8—which, by the way, looks just ridiculous on a camera that measures about an inch thick—and the sensor can truly shine.

But going small has its faults. The sensor can resolves images with a limited dynamic range. Most notably in the frame below the scene was bathed in bright sunlight meanwhile almost all the detail in the dark parts of the frame are lost to the shadows even in post.

High ISO Output

Even worse than the lack of detail retention, the AW1 has just dreadful low light performance. Images start to get noisy even at ISO 1600 and it only becomes even more noticeable at ISO 3200.

Raw File Versatility

While it might be a bit noisy, there’s a decent chunk of detail that can be recovered from the AW1’s RAW files. Turning up the exposure almost brought back every blade of grass captured in this frame. Lowering the highlights, meanwhile, turned the sky from blindingly bright white mass to a painting of light and clouds. While it worked out for this photo in particular, you can only lower the highlights inside the AW1’s RAW files by a few stops. There were more than a few exposures where I struggled to level out an overly bright sky, so it’s a safer bet to under expose on sunny days.

Функции регистрации условий съемки

Встроенные в фотокамеру функции регистрации условий съемки помогают отслеживать текущий маршрут и облегчают съемку в сложных условиях. Благодаря поддержке функций GPS и ГЛОНАСС в данных изображения (EXIF) можно сохранить точные сведения о месте съемки. Высотомер-глубиномер позволяет измерить высоту (или глубину в случае съемки под водой) и сохранить данные с шагом в 1 м?. Кроме того, вы можете воспользоваться электронным компасом, чтобы проверить маршрут и записать, в какую сторону была направлена фотокамера в момент съемки.? Чтобы держать фотокамеру ровно и избежать перекосов при съемке, ее положение можно проверить при помощи виртуального горизонта.

Инновации Nikon 1

Функция «Съемка лучшего момента» предлагает два невероятных решения, благодаря которым можно забыть о неудачном нажатии спусковой кнопки и упущенных возможностях. При использовании режима «Замедленный просмотр» записывается до 20 последовательных снимков, которые затем одновременно отображаются на ЖК-мониторе в режиме замедленной съемки. Это позволяет выбрать точный момент, который вам хотелось бы сохранить. В режиме «Интеллектуальный выбор снимка» фотокамера производит съемку до 20 последовательных изображений с высоким разрешением, после которой рекомендует пять лучших изображений. Уникальный режим «Моментальный снимок движения» от компании Nikon позволяет с легкостью запечатлеть каждое мгновение. Просто нажмите на кнопку, чтобы записать мгновение как «живое изображение» (короткий видеоролик в режиме замедленной съемки, заканчивающийся собственно снимком), которым можно поделиться с другими пользователями.

Nikon 1 AW1 review – Resolution, noise and sensitivity

At the time of testing, the AW1’s raw files were not supported by Camera Raw or Lightroom, so Nikon’s ViewNX 2 software that comes with the camera was used to process the uncompressed files to the TIFF format. At its base sensitivity of ISO 160, the AW1 resolved 24 lines per mm – a sound readout given that some compact system cameras with APS-C-sized sensors have produced similar levels of detail in the past. The same 24lpmm were resolved up to ISO 400, but beyond this setting the figure gradually began to trail off to 18lpmm at the camera’s maximum ISO of 6400.

Clean, noise-free images are produced from ISO 160-400, although signs of luminance and colour noise are evident at ISO 800. These gradually worsened to such a degree that I would consider ISO 1600 to be the top limit you would regularly want to push to. Added to this, the saturation at ISO 3200 and ISO 6400 is noticeably more muted than at the lower settings, and while the in-camera noise reduction that is applied to the four-digit ISOs reduces colour noise effectively, it comes at the expense of a more waxy overall appearance.

These images show 72ppi (100% on a computer screen) sections of images of a resolution chart, captured using the 11-27.5mm f/3.5-5.6 kit lens, set to 50mm (equivalent). We show the section of the resolution chart where the camera starts to fail to reproduce the lines separately. The higher the number visible in these images, the better the camera’s detail resolution at the specified sensitivity setting.

Nikon 1 AW1: вердикт

Водонепроницаемая, защищенная от падений, морозостойкая и пыленепроницаемая камера AW1 в настоящее время является единственной в своем роде среди компактных камер со сменными объективами.

Означает ли это, что с комплектным зумом цена около 750 фунтов стерлингов оправдана, зависит от ваших требований к съемке.

Для любителей лыж и сноуборда, а также тех, кто любит рисковать на глубине, AW1 представляет собой простое решение, не требующее никаких дополнительных приспособлений. Он меньше и, возможно, дешевле, чем корпус DSLR Plus, даже если различные корпуса потребительских камер теперь будут позволяет вам спускаться на глубину до 40 метров, что значительно глубже, чем респектабельные 15 метров, предлагаемые этим Nikon CSC.

Но более того, если вас не волнует отсутствие видоискателя на уровне глаз, AW1 вполне может быть лучшей компактной системной камерой Nikon, и, безусловно, по умолчанию поставляется с конструкцией, которая больше похожа на рабочую лошадку, чем модный аксессуар. Модели в стиле J ниже по диапазону. В целом рекомендуется, если вы можете раскошелиться наличными.

Дата выхода Nikon 1 AW1: уже в продаже

Цена Nikon 1 AW1: 749,99 фунтов стерлингов.

Camera overview

The AW1 is a medium-sized mirrorless camera that doesn’t scream ‘rugged’ when you first see it. While it looks like a larger version of Nikon’s J3, the build quality is entirely different. The AW1 is waterproof to 15 meters, shockproof from 2 meters, and freezeproof to -10°C/+14°F. Those numbers rival those of the best compact rugged cameras.

The Nikon 1 AW1 towers over its little brother (the J3) as well as the Olympus Tough TG-3 compact rugged camera.

Everything on the camera is sealed, including the compartments for the battery/memory card and HDMI/USB ports. Attaching lenses to the body takes some work because of the O-Ring around the lens mount that keeps water from getting inside. It’s worth noting that the AW1 has twice the number of seals compared to compact rugged cameras, due to the interchangeable lens and pop-up flash.

There are currently two rugged lenses available for the AW1: the 11-27.5mm (30-74mm equivalent) F3.5-5.6 that I used, and also a 27mm-equivalent F2.8 pancake. For obvious reasons, neither lens extends, either on focusing or changing focal length on the zoom. 

While you can attach any other 1 System lens to the camera, it will not be waterproof. Something else to watch out for is that O-Ring: when a non-rugged lens is attached, the ring is exposed, and any damage could cause trouble when you take the camera into the water. Thankfully, Nikon includes an O-Ring protector in the box (it’s built in to the front of the body cap) to keep the ring safe and sound.

One big disappointment is that neither lens has Vibration Reduction (Nikon’s term for image stabilization) built-in. While this isn’t a huge deal on the fast 10mm prime, I was surprised to see that the 11-27.5mm zoom lacked this important feature. Nikon does make a stabilized 10-30mm lens, which probably would’ve been a better choice here.

A gasket around the lens mount keeps water out. Nikon emphasizes that the O-Ring must be kept clean and occasionally lubricated with silicone to avoid leaks. Both doors on the AW1 have seals and a ‘double lock’ design.

In terms of technology, the AW1 features a 14.2 megapixel CMOS sensor, lightning-fast hybrid autofocus, continuous shooting at up to 60 fps, built-in GPS, and 1080/60i video. The AW1 has manual exposure controls and can shoot Raw — a huge advantage over compact rugged cameras. There’s also a built-in pop-up flash, which you can use underwater, and Nikon also offers an external video lamp to brighten things up when you’re well below sea level.

The AW1’s controls are just like they are on other entry-level Nikon 1 cameras. Beginners may not mind, but many enthusiasts won’t like the omission of a mode dial and lack of direct controls. One great example of the awkward controls occurred when I wanted to take a photo of a hibiscus flower. Since I was pretty close and wanted to maximize depth-of-field, I put the camera into aperture priority mode (which is still buried in the ‘Creative mode’ menu). I pressed nearly every button I could think of, but could not adjust the aperture. Upon returning to my room, I dug deeper into the manual and discovered that the aperture is adjusted by pressing the zoom buttons on the back of the camera — not terribly intuitive.

The Action Control feature, in action (no pun intended)

One feature Nikon touts is Action Control, which allows you adjust a few settings by tilting the camera. One instance where this is useful is when wearing gloves (though pressing the button that turns on Action Control may be a bit difficult). When taking photos, you can adjust the shooting mode using this feature, and if you enter the menu, you can toggle the ‘outdoor display’ (LCD brightness) on and off. In playback mode, Action Control lets you navigate through your pictures.

The problem with Action Control is that, in many cases, you still need to use the camera’s conventional buttons. For example, while you can ’tilt’ to select the Creative Shooting mode, to actually change the setting (say from standard to underwater macro), you must use the four-way controller. We think this feature could’ve used a bit more time in the oven.

When packing up the camera for the trip, I was surprised to see an underwater strap was not included in the box. I could understand that on a cheaper compact, but it seems a bit stingy on Nikon’s part to omit one on a $800 camera. The inexpensive float straps that work just fine on compact cameras can’t support the AW1, so you’ll need to get something better.

The AW1 performs admirably above water, capturing this unusual rainbow. ISO 160, 1/1600 sec; f/5.0
High ISO photos aren’t amazing, but they’re still much better than you’d get on a rugged compact camera. Since the AW1 can shoot Raw, you can get better results than in JPEGs. ISO 800, 1/80 sec, f/3.8

Nikon 1 AW1 review – Features

Lining up against Nikon’s current S1, V2 and J3 1-series models, the AW1 has a similar specification to the J3, albeit in a more robust body. While it adopts the Nikon 1 mount and is fully compatible with non-waterproof Nikkor 1 lenses, the camera is specifically designed to be used with either a Nikkor 11-27.5mm (30-74mm equivalent) f/3.5-5.6 or 10mm (27mm equivalent) f/2.8 lens, both of which have been designed to be fully waterproof and shockproof, just like the body. To ensure that a watertight seal is created between the lens and the camera body, a rubber O-ring surrounds the mount, against which the lens compresses as it is connected. As a result, this rubber-on-metal-mount seal requires more force when engaging and disengaging a lens than your average CSC.

The Nikon 1 AW1’s 14.2-milion-pixel, CX-format CMOS sensor is similar to that found in the Nikon 1 J3. Measuring 13.2×8.8mm, it works out at 4.4mm larger along the longest edge and 2.2mm longer along the shortest compared to a waterproof compact with a smaller 1/2.3in sensor. Unlike system cameras with larger micro four thirds or APS-C-sized sensors, the AW1’s sensitivity spans a more conservative range of ISO 160-6400, with no option to expand it.

In addition to being waterproof, the AW1 is also dustproof and freezeproof to -10°C. To aid users in cold conditions when gloves may be worn, there is what Nikon calls ‘action’ control. By utilising the action button, the shooting mode can be changed by tilting the camera. In playback mode, this also doubles as an intuitive way of scrolling through images or returning to the first shot taken in a set of images.

Features that the Nikon 1 AW1 inherits from the J3 include Nikon’s advanced hybrid AF system, which assesses the scene to detect whether phase-detection or contrast-detection AF is most appropriate, and an exceptionally versatile electronic shutter offering speeds from 30-1/16,000sec, which is twice as fast as even the best mechanical shutter.

Pairing the electronic shutter with Nikon’s Expeed 3A processor means that the AW1 can shoot at incredibly fast continuous speeds. Full-resolution shots at 5fps, 15fps, 30fps or 60fps can be recorded, although above 15fps the focusing mode is automatically set to AF-S, and both focus and exposure are fixed for the first frame. Images can be captured in both raw and JPEG formats, with Nikon’s proprietary NEF format used for raw files. Videos can be recorded to 60i/30p in full HD (1920×1080-pixel) quality.

Altitude and underwater depth can be tracked in feet or metres on the AW1 thanks to a built-in altimeter/depth gauge, and there’s an electronic compass to check precise positioning – a particularly useful feature for underwater divers. The menu system on the AW1 is similar to that on the J3. It remains the light grey on dark grey interface, with many settings such as ISO, white balance and image quality being menu driven rather than having their own independent buttons. Regrettably, there’s still no quick menu through which frequently used settings can be changed instantly on the fly, and with no command dial, users have to rely on using the playback zoom buttons to adjust aperture or shutter speed.

There is a pop-up flash on the corner of the AW1’s body that can be used underwater, which has a guide number of 5m (16ft) @ ISO 100. At the rear, the 3in, 921,000-dot display is the same as that used in the J3, featuring brightness adjustment but lacking touch functionality.


The Nikon 1 AW1 suffers from a significant lack of physical controls that the experienced crowd of photographers are used to. You won’t find a single dial on the camera and that’s partially a design choice to help keep the AW1 completely watertight.

To make up for the lack of dials for controlling aperture, shutter speed, and the like you need to press the two top buttons on the back of the camera. Also on the back, there is a host of other buttons for the menu, image playback, an accelerometer controlled quick menu, and four-way directional pad. The directional pad is setup for a few quick shortcuts including swapping shooting modes, drive modes, exposure compensation, flash, while AF point select is tagged to the OK button.

Unfortunately none of these quick shortcuts are ISO, metering options, or any real manual controls that a photographer will want quick access to. Thankfully the AW1 does not have mushy buttons as most weather-sealed cameras do and they even depress with soft click.

On the right of the camera, there’s a screw, which is used for mounting accessories like optional grips. And that is also where you get a better view of the super small ergonomic grip.

Face forward, you see that grip again–which is just enough to scratch my fingers against. Otherwise there’s also a camera lens release and AF lamp, which pulses out a blinding green light when in use. The one other unique thing about the AW1 is it has an extended mount to make room for a rubber O-ring. This helps the camera create a water tight gasket when attaching the AW 11-27.5mm f3.5-5.6 lens. The sensor is also housed behind a dust-proof piece of protective glass.

On the left side there’s a double sealed latch hiding a miniUSB and miniHDMI port. These ports are weather sealed with a door that has double latches.

Underneath the battery cover features the same double locking mechanism to keep the battery and SD card compartments water sealed. It’s Nikon’s way of assuring that everything is tightly sealed.

Up top we’ve got a power switch, shutter button, and movie button. All of which have a squishy feeling unlike the buttons on the camera’s backside.


The Nikon 1 Nikkor AW 11-27.5mm f/3.5-5.6 is the world’s first water- and shockproof interchangeable zoom lens, designed for use with the Nikon 1 AW1 compact system camera. Waterproof to a depth of 15m, shockproof from heights of up to 2m and freezeproof for temperatures down to -10°C; the Nikon 1 Nikkor 11-27.5mm f/3.5-5.6 AW is a standard zoom equivalent to a 30–75mm lens in a 35mm system. The optical formula comprises 8 elements in 6 groups, including 1 ED lends element and 1 aspherical lens element, an iris diaphragm with seven rounded blades, as well as a protective glass element. The lens is currently only available in a kit with the Nikon 1 AW1 camera.

Design and Build

The Nikon 1 AW1 can outperform most waterproof cameras in terms of image quality because of its large image sensor.

The Nikon AW1 looks a lot like other Nikon 1 cameras, such as the Nikon 1 J5. It’s thin and stylish, with a right-hand grip that unfortunately is too small to be overly useful. You’ll find the AW1 in black, white, or silver body colors. It has no mode dial, which would make it much easier to pick a shooting mode. Another similar easy-to-use model is the Nikon Coolpix L340. But, for other cameras with more options, check out the Fujifilm X-T100 camera, Nikon Z6, Canon PowerShot G3 X, and the Panasonic Lumix G9.

The AW1 is so lightweight and thin that it almost feels a little flimsy. You naturally expect a tough waterproof camera to have some heft to it, so this is an aspect of this Nikon model that seems a little odd. Still, the AW1 is a tough camera through and through. I’m not going to admit in writing to accidentally dropping the demo model, but let’s just say I have no question the AW1 is as tough as advertised.

The Nikon’s dual-processing engine, Expeed 3A processes data at incredible speed and easily handles the camera’s many processor-intensive tasks such as high-speed continuous shooting. For a touchscreen 4K Ultra HD, 12MP, 720p live streaming GoPro camera, click our GoPro hero 7 review.


The AW1 produces bright images straight out of the camera, which do not suffer from underexposure. If anything, the camera overexposes just a little and, on occasions when I was shooting towards the light or when scenes had some particularly bright highlights, I dialled in -0.3EV or -0.7EV to guarantee highlight detail wasn’t lost. To help preserve extra detail in the shadows of high-contrast scenes, Active D-Lighting can be switched on from inside the shooting menu.

With the effect of Active D-Lighting being less dramatic than other manufacturers’ dynamic range optimisers, it is safe to leave it turned on if you’d like a subtle improvement to detail recorded in the shadows.

Image: Shooting towards the light can cause shadows to appear unnaturally dark, but the AW1’s Active D-Lighting mode has helped preserve detail in the foreground area of this image and delivered a broader tonal range

Nikon 1 AW1: элементы управления

Как и модели серии J (такие как Nikon 1 J2 и J3), расположенные ниже линейки системных камер Nikon 1, AW1 предлагает минималистский и довольно квадратный дизайн с большими проушинами промышленного вида для крепления ремешка с обеих сторон почти полностью плоская лицевая панель.

У нас была версия с матовой черной отделкой для обзора, хотя серебряная и белая альтернативы также очень привлекательны.

Здесь есть то, что Nikon называет рукояткой, но на самом деле это скорее тонкая полоска с шероховатой поверхностью, предотвращающей соскальзывание пальцев, а не хват рукой. Это означало, что с мокрыми пальцами мы нашли камеру немного более скользкой, что было бы идеально; возможно, шероховатая поверхность всей лицевой панели для следующего раза, ребята?

Чего здесь явно не хватает, так это физического колеса режимов съемки; вместо этого доступ к ним осуществляется нажатием кнопок сзади. Затем верхняя пластина сохраняет чистую линию, прерываемую только приподнятой кнопкой спуска затвора для фотосъемки и кнопкой видеозаписи рядом с ней.

Эта близость элементов управления вызвала у нас еще одну небольшую проблему; мы чувствовали, что было немного проще нажать на видеозапись вместо спуска затвора, когда мы поймали момент, и, к сожалению, получили несколько секунд видео, когда мы хотели еще.

К счастью, кнопка питания находится на одном уровне с корпусом, чтобы предотвратить такое случайное срабатывание, а всплывающая вспышка, которую также можно использовать под водой, аккуратно спрятана с другой стороны, а антенна для встроенного GPS расположена посередине. .

Это означает, что не предусмотрен свободный горячий башмак, обычное средство, с помощью которого другие аксессуары для камеры крепятся к негерметичному CSC в этой ценовой категории премиум-класса.

Элементы управления на задней панели такие же маленькие и хладнокровно минималистичные, как мы и ожидали найти на не защищенной камере. Так что поначалу не кажется, что здесь делается большая уступка тем, кто может работать с камерой в перчатках.

Однако у Nikon есть скрытый трюк в рукаве. Удерживайте немного приподнятую кнопку, где ваш большой палец естественным образом останавливается в правом верхнем углу задней панели. Это выводит на экран виртуальный диск режимов съемки.

Наклоняйте камеру влево и вправо, и экранный диск поворачивается соответствующим образом, пока вы не достигнете выбранной настройки, без необходимости дополнительного нажатия кнопки.

Выбираемый здесь выбор включает в себя стандартный творческий квартет программы, приоритет выдержки, приоритет диафрагмы и ручной режим, а также фактический творческий режим, обеспечивающий доступ к подобным панорамам и цифровым эффектам, таким как миниатюризация и мягкий фокус, автоматически применяемым при точка захвата.

Кроме того, мы предоставляем стандартные функции линейки Nikon 1, такие как бесполезный Motion Snapshot, который объединяет несколько секунд видео с неподвижным изображением, чтобы выглядеть так, как будто ваш снимок ожил, а также режим лучшего снимка, который снимает вверх. до 20 последовательных изображений и либо позволяет выбрать лучшее, либо предлагает предпочтительный вариант для вас.

Другими словами, AW1 дает возможность просто навести и снять, если вы хотите, или получить больше ручных и творческих настроек, если позволяет ваше настроение и окно фотографических возможностей.

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