Nikon af-s zoom-nikkor 28-70mm f/2.8d if-ed review

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Nikon AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 28-70mm f/2.8D IF-ED Performance

The focus is excellent throughout the zoom range, requiring only 0.3m to achieve maximum sharpness at all focal lengths. The focus is fast and silent, even for video recording. Friction in the bearings of the focus ring is minimal, so it rotates smoothly, though not as nice as higher-end lenses or AF-S primes.

The lens extends slightly when zooming towards 70 mm but does not rotate during this operation. When focusing closer it extends a bit further; however no part of this lens ever comes into contact with anything other than air (i.e., there are no moving elements inside the lens that extend). This decreases its resistance to dust and moisture compared to many other Nikon zooms that don’t retract (the 18-200mm VR, for example).

The aperture mechanism is very efficient in terms of its physical size. It has rounded blades, which are always beneficial in terms of smooth bokeh (out-of-focus blurriness). The rounded blades also make the aperture more round when closed down all the way to f/22, resulting in much nicer sun stars when you create them by stopping the lens down far enough. 

There is no zoom creep over time, but there is a lock at 28 mm which can be activated or deactivated by pulling back the locking pin just under the zoom ring and rotating it into position.

Something to keep in mind is the bokeh quality of this lens, which is not always stellar. The round aperture helps, but it also creates odd-shaped out of focus highlights when the lens is opened up wide.

The color rendition of this lens is very good, particularly when stopped down a bit. When used at f/2.8 or wider, however, there are visible differences to Nikon’s prime lenses which produce more accurate colors for certain subjects (such as people). This difference usually manifests itself in an increased amount of magenta in skin tones and other settings with skin tones or many different colors that are quite similar for this lens compared to prime lenses.

Тема: Nikkor 28-70/2.8 vs 35/2 + 50/1.4 + 85/1.4 AiS(?)

Ресурс: Клуб
Форум: Обсуждение фототехники

Автор реплики: klklk

ИМХО Nikkor 28-70/2.8 — универсальный объектив, 80% снимаю им (любитель).
35/2 + 50/1.4 + 85/1.4 — спец объективы пригодны только для определенных условий съемки.
В 80% случаях картинку не отличить от фиксов и только на определенных режимах съемки предпочтение можно отдать фиксам.
Советую попробывать поснимать самому и понять что нужно.

Автор реплики: М. Пог.

АФ 35\2 (без Д) у меня долгое время был, АФ 50\1,8 (тоже без Д ещё японского изготовления) тоже был, 50\2 МФ тоже был,85\1,8 сейчас есть-могу сказать что 28\70-2,8(который сейчас тоже есть) им ничем не уступает,во многих случаях превосходит.
Кстати МФ 35\2 (который тоже раньше был) уступает по качеству АФ 35\2.

How Does Nikon AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 28-70mm f/2.8D IF-ED Score?

Below are the lens metric scores we’ve measured for this specific lens:

Sharpness: 7.5/10

The lens has very good resolution throughout the picture region and excellent values when stopped down. The border shows great clarity at all the tested apertures. With decent resolution wide open, the extreme corners start a bit lower, but they improve to excellent levels when stopped down.

When zoomed in to 40mm, the situation is very similar, with one exception: Both borders and corners were able to achieve excellent resolution when stopped down to f/8. The center resolution dropped somewhat at the widest focal length setting, but it remained high all the way through f/4. Both edges and corners maintain excellent clarity across all examined apertures.

Vignetting: 5.6/10

For a fast zoom lens, the vignetting is quite well controlled. It is most apparent wide open, as it should be, but decreasing the amount of light fall-off by stopping down eliminates the problem. For most subjects, from f/4 onwards it shouldn’t be an issue.

Chromatic Aberration: 2.5/10

Chromatic aberrations (color shadows at harsh contrast transitions) are well controlled at most focal lengths. Only at 70mm wide open do they become somewhat obvious, however stopping down slightly already reduces the amount considerably. Please keep in mind that chromatic aberration can usually be corrected in software or by the camera’s built-in corrections (most current Nikon DSLRs automatically remove chromatic aberration if you shoot JPGs).

Distortion: 5/10

The distortion characteristic of the lens is typical for many other zooms. There is obvious barrel distortion at the wide end, however it is fairly well tolerated with a radius of 2.4%. There is no visible distortion at medium focal length settings, but there is pincushion distortion at the long end of the zoom range (approximately 1-2%).

Тема: «Джентельменский набор»

Ресурс: Club Nikon
Форум: Оптика для фотокамер Nikon

Автор реплики: Дмитрий Д

К счастью 18-70 продал перед поездкой в Малайзию, остался с 18-35 (если считать бочку дизайнерской задумкой и не обращать внимания на небольшое мыло по углам, то объектив неплохой), 60 Макро (хорош как макро и откровенно средний как штатник) и Сигма 70-300 АПО Макро(последним почти все кадры испортил).
Но, неожиданно купил в предпоследний день 28-70/2,8 (на 150$ дешевле чем у нас в инет-магазинах).
Теперь радости полные штаны. Устраивает почти все, кроме небольших ХА при сильном контровом (но это скорее зависит от камеры — D70), и без бленды ловит зайцев.
Осталось для полного счастья продать Сигму и купить 70-200 / 2,8 VR + телеконвертер.

Things to consider before buying

Below you will find some summarized points and facts that can be considered as the ‘pros and cons’ of this lens. These are based entirely on the facts and values that are accessible through the lens specification, so we highly recommend that you also read the reported reviews available (see tab ‘Reviews’); this in order to get a more complete view of the lens and its capabilities. Reviewer opinions reflect the lens, its use and its optical performance in a more accurate way, but any way — here a few different points to consider before buying this lens.

  • The lens brightness, f/2,8
  • Constant maximum aperture value regardless of focal length
  • Works on all sensor types
  • Has a built-in autofocus motor
  • A lens hood is included
  • This lens has been replaced by several newer versions
  • The lens is not sealed against moisture and dust
  • Heavy (935 gr)
  • The price (more info)

Nikon AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 28-70mm f/2.8D IF-ED Overview

The Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8E FL ED VR is, without a doubt, one of the best lenses on the market today. When it first appeared, this was a lens that every professional photographer had in their bag and is still just as effective today. This lens won’t autofocus on some of the cheapest cropped sensor cameras, but will function well on all FX cameras up to and including the d7000.

Nikon’s finest years were when this lens was made. Everything about this lens screams high quality, from its robust and sturdy construction to the heft of the item. This lens came with a hard case that features form-fitting red velveteen covered foam. The case has a clamshell lid with leather magnetized buckles that indicate how well the lens was constructed.

Our Verdict

The Nikon AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 28-70mm f/2.8D IF-ED is a superlative standard zoom that is on par with Nikon’s best lenses. It produces very sharp images and has nice color rendition, as well as quick focus and a pleasing design. Although it is not as small as some of the third party lenses out there on the market today (Sigma, Tamron), its quality still beats those competitors hands down.

The lens becomes increasingly more cumbersome to use at focal length extremes because of its size and weight; however this is something that you’ll get used to after taking several pictures with it and handling it for a few days. If you want a 28-70mm f/2.8 lens from Nikon – we recommend this one over the older AF-D version simply due to its superior build quality and much more accurate color rendition than the older lens.

If you’re looking for a great standard zoom with an f/2.8 aperture, yet don’t want to spend the extra cash on Nikon’s top-of-the-line lenses (this one currently retails at around $1,200), then this is definitely the right lens for you. This lens will last many years to come and will serve you well in most situations that require a standard zoom; its performance is very good throughout its entire range without exception, making it truly versatile.


(0 Reviews)

Тема: И снова о Nikkor 28-70mm f/2,8 …, Муки выбора

Ресурс: Club Nikon
Форум: Оптика для фотокамер Nikon

Автор реплики: fishmonger

Что там пишут про 5,6, это ну… Я не знаю как сказать помягче. 28-70 это топовая линза, один из лучших в природе зумов этого диапазона. Если кого-то не устраивает его резкость, то возможно есть смысл искать что-то среди фиксов.
Вообще, для отрезвления и прочего просветления, очень рекомендую почитать отзывы на самые лучшие линзы абсолютно любого производителя. Везде найдется немалый процент пользователей утверждающих, что эти линзы мутные, с некрасивым рисунком и вообще полный отстой. Попробуйте не найти подобного мнения хоть о каком-нибудь объективе. А уж выводы делайте сами.

Автор реплики: Sandro

Я очень много снимаю 28-70/2,8. Пробовал 17-55/2,8. Может быть, смотрел невнимательно, но особой разницы не заметил. Поэтому особого желания заводить в своем хозяйстве последний не имею. Для широкого угла если и буду что-то брать, то, скорее всего 12-24/4.
А 28-70/2,8 — прекрасная топовая линза. Только имеет характер, к которому надо приноровиться. Я уже как-то писАл, что не сразу «подружился» с ней. Было желание даже поменять на другую оптику. А сейчас «…я свою Мурку никому не отдам…» (С. «Каникулы в Простоквашино»).
Те, кто хает 28-70/2,8, похоже не «дружат» с ним (а может быть и с камерой заодно )
Кстати, посмотрел я этот треп с фото.ру

Не стОит на него обращать внимание, решая, какой объектив покупать

Вы понимаете, это очень трудно объяснить словами, многое понималось на уровне интуиции. Но объективно могу заметить, что первые снимки этой линзой получались замыленные и невыразительные. Я поначалу даже разочаровался в ней. Потом (может быть это покажется смешно) начал уговаривать ее, пытаться понять закономерность получения хороших кадров.
В итоге понял что надо совместить две вещи — твердые руки (чтобы победить шевеленку, все-таки линза не 100 грамм весит) и интуицию — когда нужно давить кнопку спуска, чтобы убрать смаз от движения объекта съемки.
Ну и тренировка, тренировка и еще раз тренировка. Чем больше работаю с этой линзой, тем лучше получаю результат.

Reasons to Buy Nikon AF-S Nikkor 28-70mm f2.8 ED-IF Lens

Here we’ve included a summary of the advantages and disadvantages of the Nikon AF-S Nikkor 28-70mm f2.8 ED-IF lens in a list form to help you determine whether it offers the features you need.


Aperture Ring
Distance Scale
DoF(Depth of Field) Scale
Hood supplied
Full-time Manual Focusing
Fast Aperture at Wide end
Fast Aperture at Tele end
Constant f2.8 aperture throughout the range
Covers Full-Frame Sensor
9 Diaphragm Blades for Smooth Bokeh

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No Weather Sealing
Lens Extents while zooming

Lens Mount

Nikon 28-70mm f2.8 ED-IF is compatible with cameras that have a Nikon F (FX) lens mount. Some of the latest released cameras that are compatible with the Nikon F (FX) lenses are Nikon D6, Nikon D780 and Nikon D3500.

Size, Weight and Filter Thread

Size and weight is a very important decision factor when searching for your next lens. Nikon 28-70mm f2.8 ED-IF has a maximum diameter of 89mm and total length of 122mm when not extended. It weighs 935g / 33.0 oz.

Nikon 28-70mm f2.8 ED-IF has a filter thread of 77mm. Below are links to the filters that we recommend you to consider for your Nikon 28-70mm f2.8 ED-IF:

Optical Image Stabilization

Nikon 28-70mm f2.8 ED-IF doesn’t have an optical image stabilization system so the only option to stabilize the image taken with this lens is to mount on a camera body with IBIS (sensor based In-body image stabilization).

Alternatively, you can check the Nikon 24-70mm F2.8E ED VR in Nikon F (FX) mount that have similar focal range but features Optical Image Stabilization.

Lenses Similar to Nikon 28-70mm f2.8 ED-IF With Optical Image Stabilization

Model Coverage Weight Focusing Street Price
Nikon AF-S Nikkor 24-70mm F2.8E ED VR
35mm FF 1070gr AF
Sigma 24-70mm F2.8 DG OS HSM Art
35mm FF 1020gr AF
Tamron SP 24-70mm F2.8 Di VC USD G2
35mm FF 905gr AF
Tamron SP 24-70mm F2.8 Di VC USD
35mm FF 825gr AF

Zoom Method

Nikon 28-70mm f2.8 ED-IF features Rotary (extending) zoom method where the length of the lens changes as you zoom in or out. This makes it possible to design the lens with a smaller minimum length ( generally when it is zoomed out) compared to internal zoom lenses. The disadvantages of this design are being harder to seal against dust and moisture, weight balance shifting while zooming and zoom creep in certain lenses.

Below are the 3 Standard Zoom type Nikon F mount lens alternatives with highest max magnification ratios:

  • Nikon 18-55mm F3.5-5.6G VR: 0.38x — (Compare)
  • Nikon 18-55mm F3.5-5.6G: 0.38x — (Compare)
  • Sigma 17-70mm F2.8-4 DC OS HSM: 0.37x — (Compare)


Nikon 28-70mm f2.8 ED-IF is a fixed aperture lens with a constant max aperture of f2.8 from 28mm all the way to the 70mm .

Focal Length Max Aperture Min Aperture
28mm F2.8 F22
70mm F2.8 F22

Optical Formula

Nikon 28-70mm f2.8 ED-IF’s optical formula consists of 15 elements in 11 groups . Following special elements are used in this design:

  • 2 ED glass elements
  • 1 molded-glass aspherical lens

Lens Hood

Nikon 28-70mm f2.8 ED-IF comes with a removable lens hood which is handy to reduce lens flare and glare in your photos. The model number of the hood is HB-19.

Popular Comparisons of Nikon 28-70mm f2.8 ED-IF

Top Alternatives of Nikon 28-70mm f2.8 ED-IF Lens

Model Coverage Weight Focusing Street Price
Nikon AF-S Nikkor 24-70mm f2.8G ED
35mm FF 900 g / 1.98 lb AF
Tamron SP 24-70mm F2.8 Di VC USD G2
35mm FF 905 g / 1.99 lb AF
Sigma 24-70mm F2.8 EX DG HSM
35mm FF 790 g / 1.74 lb AF
Nikon AF-S Nikkor 24-120mm f4G ED VR
35mm FF 710 g / 1.56 lb AF
Nikon AF-S Nikkor 24-85mm F3.5-4.5G ED VR
35mm FF 485 g / 1.07 lb AF
Tamron AF 28-80mm F3.5-5.6 Aspherical
35mm FF 237 g / 0.52 lb AF
Tamron AF 28-75mm F2.8 XR Di LD Aspherical IF
35mm FF 510 g / 1.12 lb AF
Nikon AF Nikkor 24-85mm f2.8-4D IF
35mm FF 545 g / 1.20 lb AF

Lens brightness and image stabilizer

The lens brightness and aperture value is f/2,8.

This aperture value indicates that the lens is very bright. 
This will make it so much easier shooting in darker environments where you do not want or can use flash lighting, for example in churches or at different sports venues.

A feature worth commenting, which is also related to lens brightness, is that the brightness and maximum aperture-value remains constant regardless of focal length used. This makes it easier for you as a photographer. No matter if you are have the focus ring and focal length at 28 mm or at 70 mm the aperture value can be f/2,8.

The lens lacks image stabilization, which otherwise os good for avoiding the blur that can occur when using slow shutter speeds. Since the lens is bright, with good aperture value, the lack of image stabilization might not be that big of a deal, although a image stabilizer is always an advantage to have.

  • Read more about the aperture and lens brightness
  • Read more about how an image stabilizer works

Тема: D200 и AF-S 28-70/2,8 D есть вопросы…, полная ли совместимость ?

Ресурс: Club Nikon
Форум: Оптика для фотокамер Nikon

Автор реплики: VL@D

Пользуюсь примерно 5 месяцев. Сейчас это у меня — основной репортажно-прогулочный объектив.
Резкость отличная, детализация одна из лучших, что приходилось видеть. Действительно, вокруг ярких белых пятен появляется легкая фиолетовая кайма, но это явление присуще всей светосильной оптике (на цифре, по крайней мере), и насколько знаю, к ХА это отношения не имеет.
Возникает это нечасто, в глаза не бросается, не напрягает.
Фокусировка на Д200 и на Д70 быстрая и цепкая (если, конечно, не пытаться уцепиться вертикальным датчиком за вертикальную линию).
С центральным крестообразным датчиком проблем вовсе нет. Конструктив очень солидный, передний блок линз едва шевелится.
Тем не менее, на примере 35-70 мог убедиться, что даже весьма заметный люфт этой группы никак не сказывается на картинке.
Вывод — твердая пятерка, без всяких оговорок.

Compatibility, autofocus and focal length

This lens is constructed to fit all models of Nikon cameras, regardless of camera model or type of sensor.

The ability to use autofocus is available for all cameras.

The lens has a focal length of 28-70 mm.
Depending on which camera the lens is used, the experienced and perceived focal length will be different. Please visit the list of compatible cameras below, it will provide the equivalent focal length you get on each camera.

  • See compatible cameras and perceived/equivalent focal length
  • See a full camera compatibility chart for Nikon AF-S 28-70mm f/2,8 D IF-ED
  • Read more about focal length and your field of view
  • Read more on the cameras impact on the perceived focal length
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